Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Shuddering of My Foot by Michelle Jo


The rope was wiggling as my legs shook hard, and I felt like they were rotten! First I thought it would be easy. It wasn’t the DNA bridge, it wasn’t the Zip Line. It was only the first part of the rope course, and I just put my left foot on the rope! In this part, I didn’t feel anything within my legs because I was terrified, but I just went on. My head was blank and my face got as pale as it could, but I moved one step, then the second, by applause of the coaches beside, and my classmates nearby.

Our LDI mentoring trip was meant to guide our minds. I went to the rope course on the morning of the second day. There it was, the rope course, 20 feet above. The ground was covered in grass, trees with berries were standing stiff, and big black rocks with rainbow colored pebbles were scattered on the ground. Apple trees covered our mentoring location, and sparrows were chirping around the bright colored mountains.

First I assumed that the rope course would be tough, but then when I looked up at my classmates, Ji Hye, Curtis, and Julia, they were accomplishing it tremendously well, so I supposed again that it could be laid-back.

There, it was our group’s turn, and I was the third to go. In our group there were Ji Hye, Erica, and Jewellee. I was after Erica, my classmate. She was outstanding, because she was wild and tough. So I was full of confidence. Straight away it was my turn to go. When I made my first step it was acceptable, but my second, third, and fourth became harder, because the rope was wiggling as my legs shook.

In the middle of the first part of the rope course, my foot started shuddering, and I felt like I had a spasm in my legs. Then on about the seventh rope I was trapped, and I was not able to hear any uplifting or encouraging words from the coaches, teachers, or classmates. I was frozen in the moment, but I shook my head and tried to look back at the rope and the people calling me. Then again I stepped, one foot, two feet, then three. Again I thought at the ninth rope. Still my legs were quivering but my hands were relaxed and my upper body was comfortable too. I thought because it was near the end, but my legs wouldn’t stop shuddering!

I was near the pole, which looked like an enormous piece of a tree trunk. I headed towards it. Here I was, now holding the coach’s hand, approximately reaching the handle, and as I grabbed the handle that was on the pole, my legs got loose and I flopped down on my knees. I didn’t want to show any weakness, so I stood up immediately. I realized I had accomplished it!

Every part of the rope course had obstacles. By this I knew that every first time you begin things like school, new classes, and jobs, it could be hard. However as you keep going and continue, looking back at this task, it may help you in hardships.

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