Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Chinese New year: Dumplings


This is a traditional food we eat during Chinese NewYear. It's called dumplings, in Chinese it's called jiao zi (饺子). Jiao zi is invented by a doctor name Zhang Zhong Jing (张仲景).

Jiao Zi is also eaten in a lot of different ways, for example you could boil it, you could fry it… There are a variety of ways of eating dumplings. Chinese people mostly like to eat dumplings with vinegar.


  1. Yummy! I think the information you added was really cool, how jiao zi was invented, and how jiao zi are eaten. Cool, :)

  2. I love jiao zi!

  3. On that part where you explained the many ways to eat dumplings my mouth started watering!

  4. I loved fried dumplings!!!

  5. I like this description of Jiao zi. It perfectly describes them to anyone who doesn't know what jiao zi are. Although, in the last paragraph the sentences seem to be jumbled up a little bit.
