Monday, February 10, 2014

CNY New Book Chat

International School of Beijing: cnynewbook.

Welcome to our epad reading conference.   The purpose is to increase the depth of your in-class reading experience.  This is an effort to discuss, ask questions, make connections and gain perspective on your reading.  Participation is required, but the direction of the discussion is up to you.


Avoid Spoilers, please.  Also, at the conclusion of our discussion, this will be posted on the 778 Blog.


Please put your name what are you Reading?

I am reading Hijack Maersk Alabama

During the Chinese New Year break I started and finished reading Allegiant and Insurgent.

 I am currently reading Insurgent

 During the Chinese New Year break I started and finished 'Psion Beta', 'Psion Gamma', 'Psion Delta', and a few other books.

During the Chinese new year I read a book called "Shediao yingxiong zhuan".

During the Chinese New Year I read a book called The Last Invisible Boy. 

During the Chinese New Year I re-read Insurgent

During the Chinese New Year i read "Philosophy for Kids"

Raj: During the Chinese New Year i read a book called Amazing Facts of History


Get started – 10 minutes starts now!


Why did you choose this book?

I didn't have any other books to read, and because my brother told me it was a true story about the Somalian Pirates hijacking a food supply ship so I was interested. 

I read the first book Divergent, and I found it very gripping and enciting, so I decided to read the second book. 

I read Divergent and it was a amazing book, so I decided to start reading the series.

I read Divergent and really liked it so I wanted to continue the trilogy. I re-read Insurgent because I enjoyed it the first time and wanted to read it again. 

I chose this book because I thought the title was interesting, and I didn't believe in invisible people, so I picked it up to see what the story was about. 

My family really suggest me to read and this book is a really famous in China. I have heard it before and nearly every single person in my house recommend me. 

I first started the Psion series because it was reccommended to me. After I few pages, I was hooked onto the story, so I kept on reading. I started reading the next book immediately after that because there was a huge cliffhanger at the end of Psion Beta. 

My parents had recomended me this book when i was 10 and i couldn't under stand any thing that was on the book and i had no intrest in the book. Now that I can under stand it so i read it.

I bought the book at the airport, because my dad recommended it to improve my history.

I aways had a big instrest in gems. What color they could be, what there're worth. My mom found the book when she was looking through a bunch of stuff and handed it to me, knowing I like gems. 

Describe the setting of your story. 

The setting of my story (Insurgent) is set in the future in Chicago, currently abegnation survivors and some dauntless are seeking safety in the Amity headquaters.

The setting of my book is in "The Bureau." which is near Chicago.

The setting is located in the Somalian International sea, but it was claimed by Somalian pirates. 

The setting of my book is in Michigan, and the character lost his dad, so the story starts off pretty sad. 

In the setting of my book Chicago is split up into five different factions. These factions don't completely get along. It is set in the future. 

The setting of this book is in ancient China, Song dynasty and Mongolia.

The setting of Psion series is in Wichita, a city in southern Kansas, during the year 2086.

The book is nonfiction

The Book is Non-Fiction

Think about the Literature you have read throughout your school years. Identify similarities between those literary pieces and the novel you read for this assignment. How are the characters similar? Are there similar themes or plot styles? 

Recently in class we read The Giver.I can relate to it because it focuses on a common idea, Uptopia/Distopia.I find Tris very similar to other character in other books that I have read. Tris is similar to the charachter that is shy and feeble at first but then discovers their inner courage and beauty, kind of like the Lion in the Wizard of Oz.

This book had a similar plot style as a style I learned earlier in school. The plot goes on like this: there is a tragic moment that happens to the character but while he tells the story, he doesn't tell you what the tragic moment is. At the end, he reveals the mystery. 

This book wasn't really the same as any other books i read before. 

The Psion Series remind me of Ender's Game. They are both set in the future. Both characters are chosen to go to a secret government school for a reason. They both train to fight for their government against the governments enemies.

Allegiant is similar to the Giver because after they realise what their community is hiding, they want to go outside of their community to find answers.

The Book is Non-Fiction. In comparison to non-fiction books I've read, it's pretty different because the non-fiction books I read are normally based on animals and national geographic stuff.

I like/dislike (name of character) because . . . 

I dislike David because he was selfish, and jealous of Tris's father. He also helped Jeanine Matthews, because he didn't want Abnegation to reveal the secret.

My favourite character is obviosly Four, the reason is his importance for all the factions traits to be practiced,not one particular one. I really appreciate and admire that importance of equality in one's heart and brain of all the factions.

I really liked the chacter GuoJing, he is a steady person, and he is always practicing hard on everything and try things his best.

I really liked the character Tris because she never gives up. She adapts well to uncomfortable situations and learns quickly. 

I like the main character Finn because he has a sad story, but he tells you what happens even though it can be hard. Also, the book really shows how much Finn loved his dad, because most of the story is Finn talking about his dad. The book always talks about his old memories with his dad or objects that make Finn think about his dad. 

The Book is Non-Fiction. No charcters.

This situation reminds me of a similar situation in My own life. What happened was . . . 

One of the story explained in this book i can really connect to was that one day i was sking and my uncle suggested that we should go to the wild snow area and at that time i was really young and i wasn't so good at sking, my fear suggested me that i shouldn't go, so i put my fear in charge and didn't go. Later on that day my uncle broke his arm and had to stay in the hotel for the rest of the time.

I can relate to Tris' situation because their is always a moment of parrel and danger in our lifes, tris has overcome hers and faces new ones;I always want to be this way when I face new challenges, even though they might be minor, like learning Taolu Level 1.

In this book, the situation is always really dangerous, it said that every step you take is hard, and so you need to be careful and try hard. I can feel it because we need to make efforts in our life, keep improve.

I can relate to Finn because sometimes I feel invisible around my friends. I don't physically turn invisible like Finn, but I feel invisible. In real life, there aren't invisible people, so I think this is a connection. 

The Book is Non-Fiction. There isn't really a situation in the book. It's just a bunch of information.

If I were (name of character) at this point, I would…

I admire how strong and capable Tris is, but after a certain time I would probably give up and go rest in Amity. I would not want to put everyone else's lives in danger for something like that. 

If I was in Four's place I would definately not change my relations with my father if he had treated me like that. Four's father Marcus was mean and untrustworthy at the time when Four needed him most, now that his life and Tris' life depend on his trust. Why would Four, trust Marcus?

If I were Tris I would not have been able to stay focused on saving Chicago because she has lost 

The Book is Non-Fiction. No charcters.

What is the reading level of this book for you?

I think the reading level of this book is just right for me

This book has a good plot and story line although I would like the vocab to be a little more tougher. I can deal with a little more higher level. 

Although the books I read were in the about correct level of reading for me, they weren't that difficult. I could probably read higher level books as well, although I am okay withe reading the current level books as well.

This book was a little bit easy. It was very easy to follow and understand. I could probably read a book at a higher level although I am still comfortable with this one. 

I think this reading level is really good for me, it is pretty challenging sometimes because there are a lot of miserable things happening between places in China.

This book was a bit easy for me, the whole idea and the vocabulary. 

In terms of vocabulary, the book was fairly easy. 

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