Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chinese New Year Poem

Here's a poem about Chinese New Year from my perspective! Enjoy! :)


Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year's a day to have fun and cheer

A day to celebrate a brand new year

With firework that goes 'Bang!' and 'Boom!'

As it lights up the shining moon

A festival for the young and old

Years old stories that are told

Where people can dance and sing

Oh, the joy that this day brings!

A day to spend with your folks

Eating food and telling jokes

With a certain food in every town

A traditional cake called 'Niangao'

The streets are lit up with lights

Lanterns turn the place so bright

Windows and doors stick on papers

The color red just makes it greater

This festival goes on for weeks

As sounds of chatter sweeps the streets

So tell your family and you peers

That Chinese New Year is nearly here


  1. My 2nd grade students really enjoyed your poem! It painted a great picture for them.

  2. This tells a lot about Chinese new year!

  3. Great rhymes, absolutely loved to read your poem.
