Tuesday, April 29, 2014

7-7 Hunger Games UPDATED!!


The baking sun rests though the arena. Its really hot, and you guys don’t get water or cover from the sun, you will surely dehydrate and get sun burned.


The sun beat though even the foliage of the trees. With the liquid from the water bottle long gone, Tony goes crazy. He stabs sunny from behind, but she takes his knife and stabs him back. They fall to the ground. Bleeding to death.

Further off, Annie climbs a tree, but finds a tracker-jacker nest! Annie, with four stings, falls, dying. Catherine, below, gets instantly crushed by falling Annie.




Ray: You meet up with. You are very thirsty, but can only get a cupful of water. You change your bandages, and it’s nearly healed. You get some mud with the extra water, trying to camouflage yourself. You don’t get sunburn because of the mud.


Matthew: You are really dehydrated but only allowed a cup of water. You sharpen your weapons. You leave base and look for food. You are really sunburned


Bono: You are really tired from the walk, so you take a drink and then fall asleep. You get sunburned from your sleep.


Andrew: Your arm cut has worsened, but you pour some water on it. You need medicine, other wise you will die. You have bad sunburn.


Gabby: You find Anna, and slip though the forest. The trees give you protection from the sun, but you get a little burned. You are a little hungry, and your water supply is low.


Anna: You find Gabby and slip though the forest. The trees give you protection from the sun, but you get a little sun burned. You are a little hungry, and Gabby s water supply is low.


Bill: You and Kina are in huge pain. With your arm, and her body devoured from the flames, you can only hope. Suddenly, a parachute emerges, your first sponsor! Snatching it up, you look inside it, lies a small pot of medicine. Burn medicine. You apply a think layer on your arm, and pass it to Kina.


Kina: You are in amazing pain, without water and burns all over your body. But then Bill hands you a small pot, inside which you find burn medicine! You rub it all over yourself, your burns instantly calmer. But alas, you are still extremely thirsty. Beware, it may not be the burns, but the dehydration that kills you.





Night has arrived and it’s really cold. Almost freezing. What do you do?

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