Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Guffaw by Jewellee and Michelle


  1. That baby is too cute! I feel how happy he is, and I think the way he laughs fits perfectly with your definition. (:

  2. It make me guffaw watching it! describes it perfectly!

  3. It is so cute!!!!!!! I love fat babies who laughs! it is such a lovely video that showed the word clearly. Videos are a really powerful way to define something. It can also give people a mysterious feeling when you don't show definitions but I know you did. Anyways, the happiness from the baby in your video has transfered to me! nice!

  4. This is hilarious. The baby is so cute, it made me "guffaw" too! I think you chose the perfect example to show the meaning of guffaw. Also I loved your background music, it was very relaxing and happy.

  5. Cute baby..adorable! This is a really good video it clearly describes the word and is so hilarious at the same time. The music and fonts are incorporated very nicely into the movie and have a happy and jumpy effect on the viewer.

  6. I like the choice of putting a baby in for the laughter, because it displays an effect that will more likely attract the audience. The music was also went quite well with the positive tone. The video may have been short and blunt, but the word was defined well and efficiently. There was no other explanation needed.

  7. This was super funny. It was the perfect example and it made me guffaw along with the cute baby! The entire video was entertaining!

  8. I like how your video was quick and simple and to the point. Great job! :D

  9. The baby is so cute, the video really helped to explain the word, it is a perfect example for guffaw. I think the font of your word fits perfectly with the meaning of the word. Good Job!

  10. Take a look at our first video too!


  11. i think you could'fe added more thing into it, all you did was serached in youtube guffawing and got a clip. but it was very clear.

  12. I think the definition was a little fast, so I missed it the first time. However, the video was cool, but the baby was not really guffawing, he was laughing. Overall good job!

  13. Awwwwww! This is adorable! I think your font was awesome at the beginning, and the baby was just the cutest! Having a good video helped pull the audience in and actually watch your video. I also liked how the definition and credits were scrolling along the video. It was really cool and a great way to show the meaning of guffaw.

  14. The baby is soooo cute!!! This is the best example for Guffaw! Awesome job! :):)

  15. You did an amazing job , as the audience you captured my attention and you delivered the message in a short amount of time. I really liked your animation at the beginning it hooked my attention too.

  16. The baby was really cute, it really captured my attention. The music also suited the clip quite well, and I liked how you used a lot of different types of fonts for different purposes. You clearly explained the meaning of "Guffaws" in a short amount of time. Great Job.
